Friday, January 15, 2010

A wool sweater of sound

Anyone else feeling literally sick about the Haitian catastrophe? The thought of deaths reaching into the tens of thousands seems somehow less tragic than the fact that the actual number will never truly be known. Hope everyone's sending what they can. Meanwhile, I'd say some serious musical salving is in order.

I can't imagine why someone awesomely named
Francesco Puccioni would flatten it to something as boringly middle American as Mike Francis. Maybe it was some small repayment on the Marshall Plan. He was a smooth operator though. And this Italo pop nugget could have been the "Careless Whisper" of an alternate '80s. With an alternate Boz Skaggs on crooner duty. And, bonus for Friday, here's another piece of specialness to love in the actual present. Youtubing it because it's important to visualize the joy.

Mike Francis - Late Summer Night

1 comment:

  1. Well, I just finished a two night Song Blague listening spree; October 23rd to last Friday. Oh the pleasure! It affirms your dedication and awesome-ness is indeed so.. Look forward to tomorrow.
    Thanks for everything!
