Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Say anything, you

The summer between my junior and senior years of college was placid in a way that seems inconceivable now. I had a mindless job, an internship, a band, time for books, and suspiciously little worry about post-graduate plans. Sundays, I'd often drive down to the Princeton Record Exchange and spend the afternoon thumbing through the inventory, the size of which was matched only by the douchiness of the clerks.

The setting sun on the drive back always made beautiful shadows on the road, and these guys held a steady spot on the car stereo. Run On was a New York art pop band from the days when not too many people cared about New York art pop bands. They'd probably clean up today. Their albums still sound great; Songblague heartily recommends. Especially for moments like the one at 2:55, when the violinist stomps on a pedal and takes it home like John Cale with a flower in his hair.

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