Monday, May 18, 2009

Evoking ancient things

Sometimes I look at my record collection and think I should spend more time getting into people like Gustavo Santaolalla. With a long career as a musician, producer, and field recordist, there's a lot to dig into. And considering that he's one of those artists who had to flee his country when some murderous thug became dictator, I'd say he deserves at least as much attention as any week's blog sensation. These days, he's a big-time film composer. And he's good at it; he made The Motorcycle Diaries almost bearable.

This one comes from
Santaolalla's flat-out beautiful solo album Ronroco. And though it has nothing to do with movies, it just begs for some visual accompaniment. Since I lamely have never been to South America, I fear all of my cinematic imaginings are the tritest of the trite. Still, listening to this track, I can almost feel the dust caked in my palms as the afternoon glare begins to burn holes in my eyes.

Gustavo Santaolalla - Gaucho

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