Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Giant steps

Going on 10 years, the Walkmen are a pillar of their community — critically-approved, steady draw, good work ethic. They deserve it; their body of work is reliably interesting. But it used to shock. Approaching the end of the 'aughts, I think it's worth high-fiving some of the music that defined its landscape.

These guys know atmosphere, tension, and of course, the rawk too. This may be the finest statement of the case, brimming with
confidence and newness. It's 2001, but who needs paranoid computers in space! The ingredients are traditional, but it's one of those reminders that rock can always sound fresh when fresh minds are around.

And that guitar strike at 3.43! It's one of my favorite rock n' roll moments. Seriously. Like a shiny screwdriver in your ear; you never saw it coming.

The Walkmen - Wake Up

1 comment:

  1. I used to be obsessed with this album. I still kind of am, actually. Wake Up, We've Been Had, and the title track are amaaaaazing.
