Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mars on life

Time for some '90s digital warmth. I'm talking about the friendly, textural stuff, not the hamfisted fin-de-siècle aggro junk people used to writhe around to so goofily. I put on Autoditacker the other day because a) it was starting to feel autumny and b) I have good memories of washing dishes to it. Now I have good memories of cutting vegetables to it. And it still feels like a comfy sweater of sound in the crisp air of early autumn.

Mouse On Mars - Juju


  1. When I was in high school, I was one of 8 or so audience members at the Trocadero in Phila. I remember this eccentric old man all in black just busting out dance moves and I being way too cool for school. (then at least)
