Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Taking your ass to school (and picking you up afterward)

The road of excess may lead to the palace of wisdom, but aren't palaces kinda fundamentally excessive in themselves? And what about an excess of wisdom? You could end drawing and quartering your own brain.

Don Cab built some pretty over-ornamented edifices in their day, but I think they've weathered the years better than lots of their fellow post-rockers, or whatever you want to call them. They started out kicking ass all over math class and ended up learning how to sip tea. Almost. At least they put their looper pedals to good melodic use. I figure this is a good tune to mark the start of the academic season. Not that I'd know anymore. Nowadays, I can only have my back-to-school moments over evening beers or by wandering around the Kmart.

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