Monday, August 29, 2011

How you feel when you wake up and your city is intact

Yesterday morning felt like a burlesque of Christmas day. After an unsettled night, I woke up with a childish sense of anticipation. Not for presents, but for destruction. I didn't want it, but after hours of disaster porn on the news, I confess, I wanted...something big to show for it.

Happily and anti-climactically, so very little was in evidence. Wet streets, a few little branches and leaves on the ground, nothing falling from the sky. A few minutes to organize my perversely conflicted reaction, and I decided this was in fact a very good thing. And perfectly soundtracked by a fine piece of
C86 pop, satisfying the sweet tooth and pulling the knowing frown as well.

Close Lobsters - Sewer Pipe Dream

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