Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Great shakes

OK, sure, earthquakes on the East Coast. Why not? Minimal damage = license to snark. Nevermind that the first few moments of fear are about as real a glimpse into our disaster instincts as you could hope to get. Unfortunately, I can imagine my last frantic hours played out inside a Sci-Fi channel disaster movie. As chance would have it, the song I had intended to post actually fits into this new context.

So here's the thing about monster rock. Usually, it's some big bloozy dinosaur-type thing that stomps onto the scene and destroys your mental skyline while emitting smoky roars that mask the fact that it's completely strung-out. But sometimes it's a creature in a shape you've never seen. Like this song, creeping in all insect-like, and then spending a couple solid minutes smashing you upside the head like an anthem from a nation of amped-up beasts. It's a sweet rumbling.

Parts & Labor - New Crimes

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