Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Four more years

I'm gonna assume most of you are joining me in a shake of the head about the American electorate's collective crap-out last night. Some of you might see this is a sign of maturity, that we're embracing our descent into Third World-ness, with the likes of the new junior Senator from Kentucky stepping on the gas while fueled by an amphetamine rush of moron ideology. Maybe we are. I was hoping we had found another route though. Remember 2 years ago? Yeah, that was a much better party.

But my mind drifts back a little further to election night 4 years ago. I was at a Voxtrot concert and was pretty psyched about it. They were still an it band, still deserving of their hype. It was a good show - pop music with good genes and a crowd of tolerable hipsters who were in good spirits because America was actually throwing the bums out. Between songs, the singer called out the name of yet another Republican reptile who had gone down to defeat. Even in the absence of good guys to cheer for, it was nice to watch the bad ones fall. And now we have new bad ones. Meanwhile, nobody talks about Voxtrot much these days. But they had a good little run too.

Voxtrot - Trouble

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