Monday, March 16, 2009

Prognosis, part 1

Good morning! Even on a Monday. Let's start the week with a smile and see how long we can hold it. One ideal I want to establish here at Songblague is an enduring sympathy for the ridiculous cast-off, a warm spot in the heart for the unloved and un-hipable. (Well, two ideals, I guess.) In that spirit, today I subject you to Gentle Giant, one of the most insistently un-ironic propositions thrown up by the kinda-ass-backwards, kinda-starry-eyed-anything-is-possible aesthetic of vintage prog rock.

I have a complicated relationship with this kind of stuff. On the one hand, at thirteen, it took my ears beyond the radio braindeath and helped point me in many exciting directions. On the other hand, have you ever actually sat and listened to Tales From Topographic Oceans?! Sort of shakes your faith in the upward drive of humanity.

It's only in the last few years that I can listen to bands like this again, admiring the ambition without reservation and loving the sheer dorkery. Maybe the times are just more forgiving. I've seen an ocean of lovely looking people pay to see Battles perform. Animal Collective can't buy a bad review. Etc. Inevitably, I'll be returning to this knotty subject in future posts. Till then, let's fugue!

Gentle Giant - Just the Same


  1. Dude I just listened to this! I don't know how much your female followers will dig it, but I hope I get in on the next Tuck In Your T-Shirt Day before I head in to the office

  2. Mr. Songblague, stop apologizing. This morning I enjoyed a full-body workout to "Siberian Khatra," "Killer," and "Knife-Edge." Tonight I may go Dancing With The Moonlit Knight. This weekend, who knows? Share a quiet moment with Klaus Schulze, perhaps. When the music is this good, and this long, there is no time for shame.

    Good stuff Ely, keep it going! -- KBax

  3. Kevin, you are an inspiration, and your knowledge of the subject is big time impressive. Apologies are knee-jerk; trying to kick the habit. Hope all's well with you!
