Friday, March 13, 2009

Mutant disco bahamavention

What's a weekend without a little apprehension? What's a funky sunkissed jam without some skittering 6-over-4 hi-hat mischief to disturb the rubbery groove and nasal French girl vocalizing? It reminds me that I need new sunglasses. And a nice beach to restlessly lay around and burn my skin upon. But that's another weekend. Because an evening of gastric debauchery at Sammy's Roumanian Steakhouse awaits. As Anthony Michael Hall once said, "see you in the emergency room."

Lizzy Mercier Descloux - Slipped Disc


  1. Oh man, how does one choose between Slipped Disc and Funky Stuff?

  2. I think Sammy's has its own emergency room. You'll find out...
