Tuesday, June 11, 2013

The neurotic

I've been in a serious Genesis rabbithole. It spans all stages of their career, from the baroque-iest to the beardiest to the Miami Vice-iest. It also spans all segments of my listening life way back to early teenage discoveries. And I'm not even gonna be bothered with allegations of cheesiness. No reason not to be fascinated by exquisiteness even when found in fundamental mistakes. So where to begin? A mixtape is probably warranted. Maybe it'll come to that, but meantime, here's a B-side from what consensus views as the low point. And yet, despite the unlikely stadium rockers they'd become, they're still trying to put together proggy epics, even if they were a bit lazy in the construction. They're also oddly trying to sound like the Police. Give them props for the effort, and the title nicely suits my last few days' manic journey through several circles of real estate hell. I'm ready for my home by the sea.

Genesis - Do The Neurotic

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