Monday, March 22, 2010

I saw you staring out in space

Well, I guess this wouldn't be a proper music blog if I didn't pay a little tribute to Alex Chilton right about now. As far as Big Star goes, I'm in the camp that thinks Sister Lovers is their masterpiece, if only for the fact that it's kinda really hard to turn bitterness and disappointment into art that resonates without it feeling like audio rubbernecking.

This is the kind of song you put on mixtapes to make girls aware of your wounded depths. You might even think enough of it to make it the lead-off track, proudly offering your damage as a key romantic selling point. I'm know...that's what I'm told. It still sounds like a beautiful collapse.

And, because everything comes at me in the wrong order, here's a cover version that I actually heard before the original. A more stately reading somehow yields a different kind of ghostliness. The strings amplify the song's big breaking heart.

Big Star - Kangaroo
This Mortal Coil - Kangaroo

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