Monday, March 15, 2010

How to be someone else

I have a habit of hurting myself in strange ways—breaking my front teeth by running into a wall, tearing cartilage in my sleep, scratching my eyeball on an apple stem. Rack another one up in the dental category. Last Monday, some karaoke overexuberance resulted in more woes for those poor teeth, though I think the microphone got the worst in the exchange. A couple dentist visits have mostly fixed the problem, and in some ways, improved things. Feels like a new mouth.

I'm not really exaggerating. The difference is slight, but I can already feel new muscle habits forming, new expressions taking shape. They'll add up in time. Change enough little things and it's a new face. The new image gets into your head; your brain changes its ways too. Eventually, you could find yourself turned into a new person altogether. I think it happens a lot. Makes me think of this song.

Talking Heads - Seen And Not Seen

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