Monday, June 15, 2009

Theme Week - Training Montage (1/5)

Exciting stuff this Monday. Songblague debuts a new feature — Theme Week. For the next 5 days, we're all about focus. And for our first great theme, we explore the training montage—that special cinematic interlude where the hero/heroine has gotten his/her head straight and is furiously getting in shape to prove him/her self at the Big Whatever. Think Rocky and Apollo running on the beach, sweat-drenched aerobics classes, endless practice SAT tests. These important moments deserve equally important musical accompaniment.

We start with an unlikely artist. Michael Philips was the original guitarist for Genesis. Apparently, he freaked out early on and retired to some quiet English place to make and release music at his leisure. Most people did not keep up with his pursuits. Neither did I, but somehow I ended up with a soundtrack he did for a film about a global yacht race. It was made in the '90s, but it's so '80s, I feel the dude really should've gotten out more. Anyway, I love this hokey little gem.

Anthony Philips - In the Southern Ocean

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