Thursday, November 1, 2012


The storm hit and ran, but left so many shards of its impact that it'll keep wounding us for months. Or years. Or many years. The relief I felt when my neighborhood was spared was quickly overwhelmed by the sense that our bones have been broken to a degree that is just becoming apparent. Which leads to a feeling of general sickness, even as my pseudo-staycation allows me to stroll my immediate streets throughout a couple mild afternoons and enjoy wine-softened evenings full of easy electrical comforts. A sickness exacerbated by the knowledge that while my hometown is maybe less underwater now, it has been distorted in a permanent way, and still lacking in eyewitness reassurance of basic stability. 

The good news is that this kind of anxiety beyond my own personal well-being makes me confident that I'm generally a decent human being. And also I found some music that resonates with my current unmoored state of mind. I'll be tied up the rest of this week, so enjoy this one until Monday.

Loose Fur - Chinese Apple

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