Friday, July 1, 2011


Continuing with late masterpieces...Mercury Rev is another one where I depart from the longtime faithful. I appreciate the psychedelic mess of the early albums, but can't say I'm ever really compelled to jump into those worlds. Gotta say I'm with the masses on applauding the symphonic highs and lyrical lows of Deserter's Songs. But you've probably heard all that, so here are some of the creeky upstate ambient interludes between the pop payoffs. Which segues nicely into a note about my own upstate jaunt this weekend. I can think of no better salute to America than to take a few more days' leave from my calendar routine. Which is to say, savor these 3 dusky pieces; Songblague will be observing radio silence until next Thursday (I think).

1 comment:

  1. and yet, compared to the lyrical lows of The Secret Migration, those on Deserters Songs are practically Yeats-ian.
