Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Love is no disguise

Your Honor, let me just say that I'm not now and never have been a fan of Footloose. I mean, I do love many '80s movies about teen pseudo-rebellion. But a town where dancing is illegal? And under the thumb of John Lithgow. C'mon. Always struck as a little too Broadway. I guess it's no surprise that the movie made its way to schmaltzy B'way staging.

Then there's the soundtrack. Somehow, I also never got around to making it mine, though I'm pretty sure it held court on my sister's tape deck for a while. So you can forgive that this deep cut only recently floated onto my radar. Total winner. Yacht-y early '80s sneaky verses and a screwy-face-makin' chorus (read: triumphant)! Who cares if it is a little too close to "Private Eyes" (the title can't help but take me there). And maybe it's my attraction to schlock of this era, but there's something a bit poignant about the singer's paranoia and ultimate fatalism about stolen romance. Maybe I'm not such a Broadway hater, after all.

Karla Bonoff - Somebody's Eyes

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