Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Flying colors

Lately, I'm finding myself compelled to go through my records, trying to mentally revisit the downtown improv scene that I loved so much in the late '90s/early '00s. In terms of pure playing, many of the musicians are in a league of their own, the music bursting with strange colors and inspired flights. It's a drag that there's no homebase for those guys anymore, though it's pretty awesome that Roy Nathanson is my bandmate's landlord and—shameless self-promotion—will be playing on our forthcoming album.

Anyway, look out for a healthy heaping of downtown sounds on the 'blague in the near future. Here's one from Jamie Saft and Cuong Vu—two guys who'd be on anyone's list of top collaborators. I love the skewed cop show funk-esque head that they use for a jumping off point.

Saft/Vu - Garbo

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